
Born on the Fourth of July

Stumbled upon the film and watched the last half. Hadn't seen it in a while. Is there a better story to watch on this holiday than Ron Kovic's journey from patriotic soldier to veteran activist against the Vietnam war? All the right issues get raised here, and in a Hollywood movie with Tom Cruise no less. Don't often see this -- but it wasn't made, of course, until public opinion had turned against the war, making the product "safe."

I never read the book. I must do that.

There does not appear to be a similar organization for Afghanistan. Give it time. Alas, give it time.

We so often begin with such honorable intentions. And then make a mess to leave behind. Perhaps our intentions were not so honorable after all. Maybe we still think we're living on that City on a Hill. God's chosen people. Better than everyone else.

But, of course, Nature doesn't agree. And Nature always wins.

