
Sexy Saturday : Penelope Cruz

Penelope CruzWhether you love her or hate her (and I’ve yet to come across someone who does) – there’s something about Penelope Cruz that just stands out.
I loved her in Vanilla Sky with Tom Cruise and in Blow with Johnny Depp.  There are a few other movies of hers – but other than Gothika I can’t really recall them.  Cruz is however the first Spanish actress in history to receive an Academy Award and to receive a star at the Hollywood Walk of Fame.  That’s pretty impressive !
Cruz is quite a versatile woman.  Aside from having modelled for brands like Mango, Ralph Lauren and L’Oreal; Cruz owns a clothing store in Madrid, and along with her younger sister designs a clothing range for Mango as well designing handbags & jewelry for a company in Japan.
penelope-cruz  penelope-cruz1
Cruz has also sponsored children in India; donated her salary from one of her movies to a Mother Theresa initiative; and also assisted in a leprosy clinic. 

